State administrative reparation to the victims within the framework of theJEP in the Municipality of Quibdo in the period 2018-2022


  • Jaisser Perea Rivas Facultad de ciencias económicas, administrativas y contables. Pereira, Colombia. Author



comprehensive reparation, armed conflict, special jurisdiction for peace, victim, administrative reparation


In order to establish any approach to reparation for victims, it is necessary to establish the context in which violence has developed in Colombia; Thus, two main moments and a context that precedes them are established. In Colombia during the last 70 years it has been a constant story in the nation, in Colombia historiography a milestone was caused with the death of the leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, an event which began the first phase of violence from a bipartisan tone. Subsequently, the second phase arises from an insurgent nature and finally the last phase is related to violence fueled by drug trafficking. In this last stage, which began in the 1980s, there was a growth of insurgent forces on the one hand and, in addition, an emergence of paramilitary forces. These are the armed actors that will seriously affect Colombian society and will have to be called transitional justice in this process.
In the 1980s, the insurgent forces at the height of their growth made the strategic decision to kidnap notable people of high economic value, in addition to other crimes that violated fundamental human rights. So the guerrilla forces were the authors of the consolidation of their alternative or paramilitary forces, which tended to be financed by money from powerful people behind drug trafficking in the context of the 1980s, who constituted the counterproposal to the insurgency that at first it was called “Death to Kidnappers”, meanwhile the paramilitary forces received financing, training, equipment, weapons and political support from various sectors of society. 
So, in principle, it has been the serious effects that many independent actors in the conflict had that we want to repair in the contexts of demobilization processes, whether with paramilitary or guerrilla leaders. In that context of the 80s, several types of crimes were committed that would later be understood as victimizing acts, knowing in detail the scourges of kidnapping, torture, the dispossession of land, the commission of massacres, the forced disappearance of people, terrorism, among others. These are the same aspects that through transitional justice we hope to address, know and understand in order to advance as a Colombian society


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How to Cite

Perea Rivas J. State administrative reparation to the victims within the framework of theJEP in the Municipality of Quibdo in the period 2018-2022. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 7 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];2:239. Available from: