Bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in 2017-2022
strategic cooperation, multipolarity, bilateral trade, sanctions, military AllianceAbstract
Relations between the Russian Federation (RF) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) have been consolidated as strategic in the midst of a multipolar international order. Since 2012, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, economic, political and military cooperation between the two countries has intensified. The resolution of border conflicts and the complementarity of their economies and military capabilities have strengthened their sovereignty and interests. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic led to a new dimension of the Sino-Russian relationship, affecting their political, economic and security ties. Both countries have sought to deepen their cooperation to counter Western influence and sanctions. They have increased bilateral trade, with China buying Russian oil at reduced prices and Russia importing Chinese machinery and vehicles. On the military front, joint maneuvers and collaboration in defense technology have strengthened their ties. Although there is no formal military alliance, the two countries have shown close coordination on regional and global security issues. U.S. policies toward Russia and China, especially during the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations, have influenced the formation of the Sino-Russian axis. Sanctions and strategic competition have catalyzed cooperation between Moscow and Beijing. The future of this strategic partnership will depend on each country's relationship with the U.S. Despite differences in their visions of the multipolar world order, cooperation between Russia and China is likely to continue to strengthen, with a possible political-military alliance on the horizon.
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