When misogyny dresses up in colors: expressions of gay men on social media in the context of 8M in Mexico
feminism, digital social networks, misogyny, gay men, patriarchyAbstract
Introduction: In recent years, digital social networks have allowed for the visibility and organization of the feminist struggle, particularly around the marches on March 8th. However, anti-feminist discourses have also proliferated in this space, including those coming from some gay men. The central question of the research is how these subjects express themselves on social networks with regard to the feminist movement and analyzes their comments in the context of 8M 2023.
Development: The study is based on a qualitative analysis of social network posts made by Mexican gay men. Two types of reactions are identified: the first shows rejection of feminism through mockery, disqualification and arguments that minimize the feminist struggle; the second, in which other gay men criticize these misogynistic positions within their own community. Through the analysis, it is evident that some homosexual men reproduce heteronormative and patriarchal patterns, promoting discourses of cybermisogyny.
Conclusion: The study reveals that misogyny is not exclusive to heterosexual men and that certain gay men perpetuate patriarchal attitudes. The presence of hate speech on digital social networks highlights the need to reflect on the intersection between the feminist struggle and the LGBT+ community, as well as the importance of internal self-criticism to eradicate sexist behavior.
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