Anthropology, social transformation and digital environments. The social networks of the Catholic Church in Cuba. A channel for political influence
Catholic Church, Cuban politics, social networks, digital influence, post-colonialismAbstract
Introduction: The Catholic Church played a central role in Cuban political life during the last decades, which evidenced its influence in the social and political debate. Previous research, such as that of Gerardo Arreola, pointed out that the Church maintained an active presence in Cuba, even in adverse contexts. The relationship between the Catholic institution and the State was marked by tensions, especially after the 1959 Revolution, when its influence in education and health was reduced.
Development: The study analyzed the production of Catholic Church content on digital platforms, differentiating between official channels, priest profiles and independent media that replicated its positions. From a postcolonial perspective, it examined how the Church was historically seen as an ally of power, both in the colonial era and in the revolutionary stage. The analysis also included the influence of individual actors within Cuban cyberspace, highlighting the different treatment that priests received on social networks compared to true digital influencers. A communication model was established based on structural levels, from the Vatican to individual profiles, to understand how religious discourse was articulated in the Cuban political context.
Conclusion: The research showed that the reach of religious messages on social networks did not reach the standards established for influencers, but it did generate a significant political impact. The study suggested that the government overestimated the relevance of these actors, which created a scenario of growing confrontation in the immediate future.
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