Rules, networks and resources of the ombudsmen's offices in Mexico. Notes for their approach


  • Karina Sánchez García Mexico Author



Rights of media audiences, ombudsmen for audiences, channel eleven, institutionalization


The objective is to present the results of an exploratory review of the annual reports of the Canal Once Audience Ombudsman for the period from 2007 to 2023, carried out with the intention of both identifying the issues addressed in the complaints, observations and comments submitted by the channel's audiences, and of characterizing the process of responding to such messages from the audiences.
The Office of the Ombudsman for the Audience began as a media self-regulation measure within the field of ethics; but, it is currently envisaged as one of the mechanisms to guarantee the fulfillment of the rights of the audience recognized in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States (article 6); and Canal Once was one of the first media outlets in Mexico to have an ombudsman.
Among the issues identified, complaints regarding the channel's programming stand out, particularly those referring to the broadcasting of the program Toros y toreros (Bulls and bullfighters) —whose name changed to Toros, sol y sombra (Bulls, sun and shadow)— as it was a constant until the moment it was taken off the air. On the other hand, the identification of the process of attending to audience messages makes it possible to identify some aspects linked to the institutionalization of the ombudsman's office.
This review is part of the doctoral research I am carrying out and aims to analyze the process of institutionalization of the ombudsmen of the national media audiences, within the framework of their recognition in the Federal Law of Telecommunications and Broadcasting (2014).


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How to Cite

Sánchez García K. Rules, networks and resources of the ombudsmen’s offices in Mexico. Notes for their approach. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2:.134. Available from: