About uncomfortable inheritances and unwanted legacies. Compiling and preserving personal files of relatives involved in crimes related to state represión
Personal archives, Guerra Sucia, Corruption, Police, Memory Studies, FamilyAbstract
This work constitutes a proposal for the elaboration of personal archives of individuals who have committed crimes and offences, as members of the repressive apparatus of the State (the police and other non-military law enforcement forces), and who have been characterized by their high degree of corruption, as well as by the violation of the Human Rights of the population. The latter, based on their command positions and in the Mexican context. It is intended that these archives be organized and managed, at least initially, by the same family of the subjects. The proposal is framed within social studies on memory and critical heritage studies. It was carried out based on the case study of the recovered collection belonging to Manuel B., who in life was commander of the police in Mexico City, during the period known as the Dirty War (1964-1982). Some of the conclusions obtained are that the administration of these archives by the families of individuals involved in delinquent and criminal acts within the repressive apparatus of the State, with the purpose of making it accessible to the public, is fundamental. This not only ensures the preservation and organization of crucial information, but also allows for an intimate and personal perspective on complex historical events.
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