Autonomous process of the community of Jaracuaro, Michoacán


  • Alfredo Avendaño Ceras Universidad Intercultural del Indígena de Michoacán. Estado de Michoacán, México Author



Autonomy, indigenous communities, indigenous rights, political participation, self-determination


In this presentation, I will explain the process of autonomy of the community of Jaracuaro Michoacán, starting from the indigenous congresses that were held in Mexico, such as the 169 pact, which sought to be a mechanism for dialogue to achieve participation and consultation to debate the problems of the community.
The declaration of the jungle condones it and the emergence of the EZLN raises its voice for the respect of indigenous rights, seeking to meet their basic needs, as in the community of Cheran where there was also an uprising to defend their territory from the plundering of its natural resources.
Several authors mention the definition of autonomy and what its essential characteristics are, focused on the benefit of the community.
I will mention the sections of the political constitution of the United Mexican States, the constitution of the state of Michoacán and the municipal organic law that give communities the right to self-determination.
In the community of Jaracuaro, the idea of being autonomous arose due to different situations that resulted in the community deciding to be autonomous. I will explain the most important events in the process of achieving autonomy, until the objective was reached.


1. Chantal barre, Marie. Políticas indigenistas y reivindicaciones indias en América Latina 1940-1980.

2. Bobadilla Arana, Enrique. Ensayo etnológico de una comunidad isleña, SIMPRO Y show publicidad, 2011.

3. INEGI. (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía).

4. Díaz Polanco, Héctor, autonomía regional. La autodeterminación de los pueblos indios, México, siglo XXI- UNAM, 1991.

5. García Morillo, Joaquín. La configuración constitucional de la autonomía local. Barcelona-Madrid: diputación de Barcelona-Marcial Pons ediciones jurídicas y sociales, 1998.

6. CPEUM (Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos). CPEMO (Constitución Política del Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo). LOM (Ley Orgánica Municipal).



How to Cite

Avendaño Ceras A. Autonomous process of the community of Jaracuaro, Michoacán. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2:.160. Available from: