Hermeneusis on entrepreneurship and rural development
Entrepreneurship, Rural Development, Sustainability, CommunitiesAbstract
Rural entrepreneurship is a very important component, since this activity provides economic opportunities to people in rural areas and promotes the creation of companies in the countryside. This increases economic prosperity in rural areas and improves people's quality of life. Furthermore, it is related to the empowerment of rural communities, as it promotes self-employment and self-sufficiency. This in turn generates confidence and satisfaction among residents of rural areas. The sustainability of entrepreneurship and rural development refers to the capacity of these ventures to last over time, generate positive long-term impacts and adapt to social, economic and environmental changes. Entrepreneurship and rural development are essential to promote economic growth social inclusion and the preservation of cultural identity in rural areas. Through economic diversification, job creation, valorization of local resources and the promotion of tourism, for this reason it can have a positive impact on communities and the country as a whole. However, its development and sustainability are conditioned by factors such as access to financing, training and training of entrepreneurs, the availability of infrastructure and services, and institutional support. All of this has a very positive impact on the development of rural communities, since it enhances innovation, creativity and quality of life in these areas.
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