Experience in building and utilizing a Coastal Environmental Quality Index through a mobile phone application (ICALi) with High Schools and Social Organizations
Open-source technologies, participatory environmental monitoring, environmental index, environmental knowledge, environmental educationAbstract
The development and use of open-source tools for participatory environmental assessment constitute a fertile field for the construction of environmental knowledge and wisdom. Here, we present preliminary results of a participatory assessment experience in seven coastal localities in the province of Buenos Aires through a mobile phone application that allows for the calculation of a Coastal Environmental Quality Index (ICALi). This index was constructed based on 10 multiple-choice questions aimed at evaluating the environmental quality of coastal areas, considering observable aspects such as the presence and type of flora and fauna, coastal morphology, or organoleptic properties of water. The application was developed on an open-access platform, enabling not only its free use but also modification by users. Its implementation took place through workshop sessions with secondary schools and socio-environmental organizations, including participatory mapping of environmental conflicts, field trips using the app, and sharing and analysis of results. The application of the tool by teachers and residents of different coastal areas allowed for obtaining index values at each surveyed site. Comparing the values obtained for different points at the local and provincial levels enabled recognition of the value of coastal areas as natural public spaces, highlighting the main difficulties for their preservation and care. Additionally, the critical use of the tool was evidenced, allowing for the collection of improvement proposals. Participatory research processes were promoted, generating spaces for exchange and construction of contextualized environmental knowledge in each territory
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kevin Poveda, Jazmin Glustein, Facundo Gonzáles, Vera Mignaqui, Ignacio Borón (Author)

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