Goodbye to the method. Welcome to Organology




Epistemology, Methodology, Complexity, Method, Science


The paper reviewed the book “Organology, or the new research organization. Epistemological and methodological guidelines of the complex thought”, by Elvio Galati. The idea of seeing a philosophy of methodology, a gnoseology of methodology, an epistemology of methodology, a methodology technique, an ethics of methodology, a pedagogy of methodology, a politics of methodology and a criticism of methodology, implied a philosophical idea related to a new and original organization of methodology, called “Organology”. This network space examined the interaction of all the areas linked to the study of methodology according to complex thought and joined the different research dimensions. 
    This paper had 4 parts: the author, the scientory of the book, what the book is about and the explanation of Organology, and the structure of the book. The book is structured based on the 10 subparts of Organology: its philosophy, its history, its gnoseology, its systemics and the units of knowledge integration, its holography and recursiveness, its politics, its methodology, its ethics, its pedagogy and its criticism. Things are not by themselves, but they relate. The methodological simplicity that implies separating in disciplines, importing recipes, oversizing the experts’ knowledge and infringing the researcher’s freedom is questioned. 
    The method is not only in Methodology. The researcher is the measure of its method, the methods that relate, that they relate. The method is about to be done and the super-researcher will participate in its production


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How to Cite

Galati E. Goodbye to the method. Welcome to Organology. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 May 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2:285. Available from: