Discussions and contributions of the multidimensional approach to habitat and social inequality





multidimensionality, habitat, inequality, interdiscipline


The objective of the work was to present and discuss the contributions of the transdisciplinary approach to research on the study of habitat and social inequalities from a complex multidimensional perspective, mainly economic, gender, productive and territorial, in relation to the fruit and vegetable production of a productive Consortium. of Gran Resistencia, in the province of Chaco.
To achieve this objective, a strategic analysis tool known by the acronym SWOT was used to identify the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in relation to a business or organization. The data analyzed for said strategic diagnosis come from two research and extension activities, which took place in previous works of the authors and were analyzed and interpreted from an epistemological perspective of scientific knowledge of multidimensional inequality.
As a result, the results matrix is constructed with the four dimensions and the main factors that appear in each quadrant, systematizing the dimensions considered (economic, gender, productive and territorial


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How to Cite

Cesana Bernasconi M, Sakamoto G. Discussions and contributions of the multidimensional approach to habitat and social inequality. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 May 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];2:289. Available from: https://proceedings.ageditor.ar/index.php/piii/article/view/258