New exanthematous desease in pediatrics




Exanthem, pediatric, rashes, sudden exanthem, new pediatric exanthems


Exanthems do not represent a disease per se, but they are the most clinically useful manifestation for the arrival of the diagnosis of the disease for the physician, as well as the most common cause that brings patients to the consultation. 
Regarding new pediatric exanthems, it is important to consider the age of onset since they tend to manifest after the first year of the individual's life, while up to 12 months, their epidemiology is usually limited to the well-known classics such as measles, sudden rash, rubella, chickenpox, Kawasaki disease, Coxsackie virus, meningococcemia, echovirus, among others. (1) Classic exanthematous diseases have been known for a long time and have been classified in sequential order. The first and second refer to scarlet fever and measles. Rubella is the third. The exanthem caused by staphylococcal epidermolytic toxin is the fourth. Erythema infectiosum is the fifth, and sudden rash is the sixth disease. In recent decades, new tools and methodologies based on four forms of investigation through clinical studies, laboratory studies, epidemiological studies, and clinical trials including the validation of new and more specific diagnostic criteria, such as procedures for the detection of viral genetic sequences such as PCR, viral load, and antibody affinities, as well as exhaustive epidemiological analyses in patient groups of different ages, nationalities, and skin types, have led to the diagnosis of new exanthematous diseases known as pityriasis rosea (PR), Gianotti-Crosti syndrome (GCS), asymmetric periflexural exanthem/unilateral laterothoracic exanthem (APE/ULE), gloves and socks syndrome 
(PPGSS), eruptive pseudoangiomatosis (EP), and eruptive hypomelanosis (EH). (2) 
Background:(Complete here). Material and methods: (Different case repot were analyzed in relation to the available literature in virtual libraries such as PubMed and cited by the Argentine Society of pediatrics). Results: (The systematic review of new rashes manifested mostly in the pediatric population increasingly suggest their viral etiology as well as their low risk of serious systemic complications. Determining their characteristics, chronology and topography as well as the physician´s experience shead diagnostic light on daily clinical practice). Conclusion: (The epidemiological and histopathological analysis of the lesion and clinical methods of diagnosing these rashes has been intense over the past 30 years, although their observation remains key to the increasingly accurate determination of their etiology, which is still subject to refinement and discussion


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How to Cite

Lurbet D, Laube G. New exanthematous desease in pediatrics. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2:335. Available from: