Appropriate use of antibiotics in outpatient pediatrics
antibiotics, pediatrics, infections, pharyngitis, skin and soft tissuesAbstract
Background: The appropriate use of antibiotics in outpatient pediatrics is essential and should be based on a thorough evaluation, taking into account the prevalence of diseases and the variability of pathogens, based on solid
clinical evidence and adapted to individual needs, achieving therapeutic efficacy. optimal while minimizing the risk of developing microbial resistance. Therefore, it is essential to follow evidence-based prescription guidelines, correct dosage, and duration of treatme. Objectives: Systematic review of the appropriate use of antibiotics in pediatrics in the context of the most common outpatient infectious diseases and Point out the importance of following current clinical guidelines for each of the nosological entities, determining appropriate use of ATB. Material and methods: They used various sources of information, including publications from the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, databases of academic articles in SCIELO and PUBMED, using key terms obtained from the search in the Medical Subject Headings (MESH). Results: It has been identified by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has indicated that around 50% of antimicrobial prescriptions are inappropriate, both in hospital and outpatient settings. A study supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) examined bacterial resistance data
in 114 countries, revealing the presence of seven bacteria resistant to broad-spectrum antimicrobials. Conclusion:
The careful analysis of each clinical situation becomes a fundamental component of therapeutic decision making.
So that misuse of antimicrobials does not occur, it is important to focus on the prescription of ATB, taking into
account the recommendations in guides proposed by infectious disease committees, which have an approach based on the time of evolution of the pathologies according to the etiology associated with them. signs and symptoms that increase the possibility of being a bacteria justifying the prescription of the microorganism.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mauricio Martins, Cecilia Lilian Sosa (Author)

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