Data analysis using statistical graphs from an exploratory approach
Interactive book, Exploratory approach, R Studio, Shiny, StatisticsAbstract
The degree work entitled "Data analysis using statistical graphics from an exploratory approach" addressed the need to transform the teaching of statistics through a technological and innovative approach. Traditional textbooks were found to be deficient in terms of pedagogical design, which motivated the development of an interactive book that included new pedagogical methods, technology and data analysis.
For the realization of this work, a review of statistics textbooks was carried out and, taking this into account, an interactive book was designed and programmed using the Shiny library of the R studio software. In addition, we conducted a pilot test with a group of students of Statistics I at the Universidad Industrial de Santander and progress was presented at the 32nd Symposium of Statistics, which allowed an evaluation of user interaction with the material, obtaining feedback on the activities proposed.
The results showed the importance of the exploratory approach, as well as interactivity in the teaching of statistics, demonstrating how effective it is to integrate it with contexts and theory. The need to adapt the activities was also mentioned, emphasizing the importance of giving clear instructions, examples and interactive elements for the clear instructions, examples and interactive elements so that students can learn autonomously. The dynamic nature of the book and the commitment to keep it in constant evolution was highlighted, showing commitment to continuous improvement and the ability to adapt to the diverse needs of students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mailen Hoyos, Tulia Esther Rivera Florez, Isabel Cristina Puerta Lopera (Author)

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