"I Call Myself a Good Reader”. Strategies to promote reading fluency


  • Celeste Garcia Fernandez Institución Educativa Centro de Integración Popular IPC. Colombia. Author
  • Norys Jiménez Pitre Institución Educativa Centro de Integración Popular IPC. Colombia. Author
  • Viviana Paola Guerra Ramos Institución Educativa Centro de Integración Popular IPC. Colombia. Author




reading, strategy, education, communicative skills


The project "Yo Me Llamo un Buen Lector" (I Call Myself a Good Reader) arises from the need observed in the students of grades 2-01 and 2-02 of the educational institution, Centro de Integración Popular IPC, Nuevo Horizonte and 12 de Octubre. For this monitoring and observation process, several activities and strategies were applied, guided on site by: Limedis Castillo Mendoza, Teacher - tutor of the Program: Tutorials for learning and Integral formation 3.0 of the Ministry of National Education among the activities are mentioned: Timed reading, pictographic reading, independent reading and cooperative reading. In some cases the children were insecure when reading aloud. Therefore, the project sought to foster a feeling of confidence and self-affirmation in relation to the ability to read, to understand what they read and to socialize, which implies that the person identifies him/herself as a competent reader and confident of his/her abilities. It also suggests a personal commitment to reading and a desire to continually improve in this skill. To evaluate the effectiveness of the activities, a checklist was used to evaluate the progress of the students in the area of study. It was observed that the insecure reading skills were due to a lack of reading fluency and poor comprehension of the texts.


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How to Cite

Garcia Fernandez C, Jiménez Pitre N, Guerra Ramos VP. "I Call Myself a Good Reader”. Strategies to promote reading fluency. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2:473. Available from: https://proceedings.ageditor.ar/index.php/piii/article/view/326