Update on job satisfaction in nursing professionals and aspects that constitute it
Job satisfaction, Job dissatisfaction, Job stress, Burnout, Nursing professionalAbstract
Introduction: nursing professionals play a fundamental role as a pillar of health care; their performance is affected by factors such as job satisfaction. This refers to the general assessment, as well as positive attitudes, that the worker has towards his or her job. The objective was to characterize aspects that influence the job satisfaction of nursing professionals.
Methods: a bibliographic review of articles in Spanish and English on job satisfaction was conducted in the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases, with 27 documents selected, with more than 60% from the last 5 years.
Results: job satisfaction involves intrinsic aspects that are manifested in the employee. It has many classifications depending on the way of grouping the factors that affect it, among them are the work environment, the participation of the nursing staff in hospital affairs, academic training, promotion, the fundamentals of nursing for quality care, aptitude, leadership and supervisor support, longevity, availability of resources, financial compensation, professional recognition and the relationship between nursing staff and medical staff.
Conclusions: job satisfaction in nursing professionals is a multidimensional entity, with a large number of factors affecting it; there is a direct proportionality relationship between SL and the quality of care, health outcomes, staff availability and performance
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ruth Calderón Landívar , Joselin Mabel Tigse Yánez , Yoselin Gricelda Garzón , Jenrry Fredy Chávez Arizala (Author)

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