Incidence of virtual education in front of covid-19 in the tilipulo neighborhood during the school year 2020- 2021


  • Nasheli Estefanía Moreno Muso Unidad Educativa “Ana Páez”, Latacunga, Ecuador Author



Virtual education, COVID-19, Student dropout, Digital connectivity, Rural area


In 2020, Ecuador faced significant challenges due to the impact of COVID-19, which forced the government to suspend face-to-face activities, including classes, and implement virtual education as an alternative. This abrupt change evidenced technological, economic and social barriers, especially in rural areas such as the Tilipulo neighborhood in Cotopaxi province. Only 37% of Ecuadorian households had internet connection, while in rural areas this access was reduced to 16%, which led to a high student dropout rate.
Students faced difficulties related to connectivity, lack of technological devices and the instability of internet service, factors that limited the effectiveness of virtual learning. According to the surveys conducted, 50% of the students did not attend classes regularly due to these problems, and 58% knew someone who had dropped out of school.
Despite these limitations, e-learning helped protect the health of students and their families by preventing the spread of the virus. However, it did not guarantee meaningful learning, as many students lacked knowledge about the use of digital platforms.
The study concluded that, although virtual education was a solution to the pandemic, it revealed structural inequalities in access to technological and educational resources in Ecuador, highlighting the need to implement strategies to improve the quality of and access to virtual education in the future


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How to Cite

Moreno Muso NE. Incidence of virtual education in front of covid-19 in the tilipulo neighborhood during the school year 2020- 2021. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3:408. Available from: