The impact of workshop design on occupational risk prevention and competency development
Job training, Educational workshops, Risk prevention, Occupational safety, Active learningAbstract
The design of workshops was a key tool in training and skills development, especially in environments where safety and risk prevention were a priority. By combining theory and practice in a collaborative environment, these workshops allowed workers to acquire knowledge, develop skills and reflect on their performance. This educational modality promoted active and meaningful learning, transforming participants into protagonists of their own training process. The role of the trainer went beyond the simple transmission of information, playing the role of guide, facilitator and observer of learning. In turn, the workers were actively involved by contributing their experiences, asking questions and collaborating in the search for solutions to real problems. The implementation of methodologies such as Flipped Classroom, collaborative work and ‘learning by doing’ strengthened the relationship between the two roles, fostering creativity and critical thinking. In the area of risk prevention, the workshops played a key role in facilitating the identification of hazards, the understanding of their causes and the development of strategies to mitigate them. In addition to reducing workplace accidents, they contributed to creating safer and more efficient working environments, improving the quality of life of employees and optimising business productivity. In conclusion, the workshops promoted an organisational culture based on prevention, continuous learning and shared responsibility, consolidating safety as a fundamental pillar of organisational success.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Brayan Guaman, Melany Guerrero, Karen Yanguicela (Author)

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