Occupational Safety in Floriculture: Challenges and Solutions to the Use of Pesticides
floriculture, pesticides, occupational health, environmental impact, preventive measuresAbstract
Introduction: Floriculture, an essential sector in several economies, presented significant occupational health risks due to the constant exposure of workers to pesticides and pesticides. These chemicals were associated with neurological, respiratory and renal diseases, in addition to acute and chronic intoxications. Previous research, such as Vázquez-Venegas et al. (2018) and Suárez Chérrez et al. (2021), evidenced that the lack of adequate safety measures and insufficient use of personal protective equipment aggravated these risks. Likewise, the environmental impact of pesticides compromised the sustainability of crops and local ecosystems, intensifying the problem.
Development: Relevant studies highlighted that workers with prolonged exposure to pesticides experienced symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, irritability and memory impairment. Despite existing regulations, their implementation was insufficient. In Ecuador, Suárez Chérrez et al. identified a low prevalence of kidney disease in florists, but stressed that precarious working conditions increased the risks. Chacón Cobos et al. pointed out the need to monitor glyphosate exposure and to develop effective preventive strategies. In addition, they stressed the importance of improving worker training and adopting safer technologies in the management of chemicals.
Conclusions: Floriculture required comprehensive interventions involving governments, companies and workers to mitigate the effects of pesticides on occupational health and the environment. Only through the implementation of strict regulations, continuous monitoring and education in safe practices was it possible to ensure a balance between the productivity of the sector and the protection of workers and ecosystems
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Copyright (c) 2025 Lizbeth Mayte Villegas Narvaez , Yilena Montero Reyes (Author)

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