The use of learning cases in the training of educators
Social contract, educational transformation, collaborative pedagogies, integral education, case-based learningAbstract
Recently, UNESCO has made a call to reimagine together our futures and build a new social contract for education that allows, on the one hand, to circumvent the disruptions that put at risk not only the future of work and democracy, but the planet itself, and, on the other hand, to build an equitable future. The social transformation required involves the transformation of education, maintaining what works, abandoning strategies that are no longer relevant, and moving towards innovation. This shift implies the redefinition of roles, the recovery of humanism and its confidence in people's potential, the promotion of collaborative and supportive pedagogies, dialogue and participation. In this sense, we report the use of a learning case in the subject Design and Financing of Educational Programs and Projects taken by 5th semester students of the degree in Educational Projects in a state public university. The results allow us to affirm that it is still a valid learning-teaching method, with potential for integral and integrative education, which favors participation, dialogue and linkage with other disciplines and sectors of society.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Carlos Arturo Alatriste Montiel, Mónica Vargas Grande (Author)

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