The Aesthetics of the Grotesque. An Arts Project Inspired by the Reading of Reality


  • B. Alberto Salazar Escuela Normal del Estado de Querétaro Andrés Balvanera, México Author



New Mexican School, project-based learning, participatory action research, teacher training, art and education


The present work corresponds to the elaboration of an art project inspired by the reading of reality, carried out by second semester students of the Bachelor's Degree in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and the Bachelor's Degree in Teaching and Learning of Spanish with the purpose of familiarizing them with the recent methodologies and paradigms of the New Mexican School, while reflecting on their own teaching knowledge. The approach of the project was carried out through a sociocritical paradigm with the participatory action research method and qualitative methodology, working with the total population of students, without the need for a sample space, resulting in a partial research report of a descriptive, non-statistical nature. Regarding the evaluation instruments, a formative evaluation was carried out, which allowed adjustments to be made throughout the project. Favorable results were found that express a positive attitude of the students towards project-based learning, a constant assimilation of the concepts and a subjectivation derived from the praxis, evoking in artistic expressions made by the students that reflect the social problems in the aesthetics of the grotesque in the most Bukowskian way.  


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How to Cite

Salazar BA. The Aesthetics of the Grotesque. An Arts Project Inspired by the Reading of Reality. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];3:450. Available from: