Integration of ICT in education in a post-pandemic context: a reflection


  • Samuel Lizardi Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala Author
  • Guadalupe López Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala Author



Higher Secondary Education, Technology, Post pandemic, Master's Degree in Teaching for Higher Secondary Education


Throughout the years, technology has been one of the main aspects of humanity that has been studied and that has undergone the greatest evolution. In terms of education, it has been seen that there is a great window of opportunity, which after the Covid-19 pandemic has been explored with greater depth and speed. The results are extremely interesting in terms of how to look at this educational intervention in technology-mediated environments. This paper explores these opportunities and gives an overview of the use of technology in education in a post-pandemic context, particularly located in the Mexican educational system, an opportunity opened thanks to the current postgraduate program in teaching offered by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The results obtained from an educational intervention mediated by technology showed that the inclusion of technological means is beneficial to the face-to-face practice of the master's degree student, since it increases aspects such as motivation and communication.


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How to Cite

Lizardi S, López G. Integration of ICT in education in a post-pandemic context: a reflection. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3:452. Available from: