Nursing role and care that favor the quality of life of institutionalized Alzheimer's patients in a geriatric hospital in the city of Rosario in August 2021


  • Marcela Guerrero Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la salud, Licenciatura en enfermería, Sede Rosario. Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Author
  • Liliana Ponti Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la salud, Licenciatura en enfermería, Sede Rosario. Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Author
  • Sebastián Gabini Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la salud, Licenciatura en enfermería, Sede Rosario. Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Author
  • Andrea Lorincz Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la salud, Licenciatura en enfermería, Sede Rosario. Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Author



Nursing role, quality of life, institutionalized Alzheimer's patient


The figure of the Advanced Practice Nurse as a care manager is a role under construction and a possibility of improving the response to the patient's demands. Therefore, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with the aim of describing how nurses assess the nursing role and the care needed to improve the quality of life of institutionalized Alzheimer's patients. A non-probabilistic sample of twenty nurses working in the morning shift at a Geriatric Hospital in the city of Rosario in August 2021 was selected. Nurses, graduates or higher degree dedicated to caring for elderly residents and people with this type of dementia were included. The selected technique was the survey and a self-administered questionnaire-type data collection instrument with 13 questions of personal elaboration was used.
The opinion of the nurses surveyed about their role in the quality of life of institutionalized Alzheimer's patients shows an awareness of its importance and a perception of recognition by the interdisciplinary team. There is still contradiction regarding the action taken to face this responsibility and inconsistencies appear in the internal agreements of the nursing team.
The surveyed nurses' assessment of the care that favors the quality of life of the institutionalized Alzheimer's patient showed more intentions than practices. The aspects of humanization, innovation and the need for training in care favoring the quality of life of these patients are clearly valued. The nurses' self-perception regarding the care they provide for quality of life was positive in the order of 75% of the respondents


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How to Cite

Guerrero M, Ponti L, Gabini S, Lorincz A. Nursing role and care that favor the quality of life of institutionalized Alzheimer’s patients in a geriatric hospital in the city of Rosario in August 2021. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3:474. Available from: