CPR and AED Use Training: Strengthening Emergency Response in High School Students
CPR, AED, education, emergency, studentsAbstract
An educational project focused on training high school students in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers and the use of the automated external defibrillator (AED). The main objective of this initiative was to improve students' knowledge and skills to respond effectively to cardiorespiratory emergencies, especially in out-of-hospital settings.
The intervention was carried out in an educational institution in Venado Tuerto, where fifth year students participated. The training included a combination of theory and practice in a four-hour day, which covered topics such as the recognition of cardiorespiratory arrest, the sequence of CPR maneuvers and the correct use of the AED. The students worked in groups with mannequins to simulate emergency scenarios, which allowed them to apply the knowledge acquired.
The results showed a significant increase in the level of knowledge after the intervention, from an initial 41% to more than 60% in the final evaluation. In addition, the students showed greater confidence and willingness to act in critical situations. This project highlighted the importance of integrating CPR training into school curricula and fostering a culture of prevention and response in the community
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Copyright (c) 2025 Noelia Alejandra García , Melina Vargas (Author)

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