Self-care of Intensive Care Nurses


  • Erica Andrea Valdebenito Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Licenciatura en Enfermería. Sede Rosario, Rosario. Santa Fe, Argentina Author



Self-care, Nursing, Intensive care nursing


This research will be carried out in order to determine the level of self-care of the intensive care nurses of the Nodal Hospital of Venado Tuerto. It will be useful for all the nursing staff of said unit, providing data related to certain situations that may arise in relation to self-care, and thus visualizing them. This will make it more feasible to raise staff awareness.
Nursing occupies the role of the caregiver, i.e., its daily action is focused on patient care, but paradoxically, it is observed that such personnel manifest certain behaviors that evidence a lack of self-care. We believe that the factors that contribute to the lack of self-care of the Hospital's nursing staff are due to the low salaries that harass the profession, the high rate of professionals who work double shifts and rotating shifts, in addition to the physical and emotional overload, not to mention the pandemic experienced in recent years. In addition to these variables, the gender condition that influences it stands out. A great majority correspond to the female gender implying that, even being professionals and performing as such, we do not abandon other roles such as housewife and mother. Therefore, the present work will try to reflect these variables, to consider them and to base a knowledge on the level of self-care in order to contribute to make this problem visible within the institution, so that it can implement strategies to achieve an improvement in the performance of the profession. The type of design is quantitative and, by taking a sample of the service and the institution, the level of self-care of this discipline can be reflected


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How to Cite

Valdebenito EA. Self-care of Intensive Care Nurses. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3:490. Available from: