Systematization of an experience in agroecological production: the case of finca valentin, municipality of pitalito huila
Characterization, history, Organic, natural resources, processes, sustainableAbstract
In the following manuscript, the systematization of an experience in agroecological production was carried out, the owner of the farm is Mr. Valentín and his name “Finca Valentín” also governs, located in Pitalito Huila, the main objective of this work was to determine the agroecological contribution that this farm provides to the community and how it can influence other farmers and producers in the region, therefore, as a methodology, a survey was carried out where a variety of open and closed questions were asked in order to collect information that we helped determine agroecological production. According to the results, two families were determined that were specified by two networks, as a discussion the first network in terms of agroecology and everything it contains, the second in terms of problems where the characteristics of damage, slowness, etc. are highlighted. Finally, it was concluded that the whole process is slow but great benefits such as organic products are obtained
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Copyright (c) 2023 Verenice Sánchez Castillo, Nicole Valeria Lara Ceballos, Katherine Restrepo Duran (Author)

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