Interactive course proposal on the Moodle platform
Course, Martí, new technologies, Moodle PlatformAbstract
Introduction: New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refer to a set of digital tools that facilitate the access, storage, processing and transmission of information.
Objective: Make a proposal for a Virtual Course on the Moodle Platform to promote the work and legacy of Martí.
Methods: A qualitative pedagogical research was carried out. The observation of the educational teaching process was carried out in the use of new information and communication technologies. The following theoretical methods were used: systematization, the historical-logical method and documentary analysis.
Results: Proposal for a Virtual Course on the Moodle Platform to promote the work and legacy of Martí. Methodological Objective: implement strategies aimed at the use of information and communication technologies.
Conclusions: This proposal stimulates innovation in students and creates a more dynamic and effective learning environment by offering concrete and practical strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Deborah Cabrera Rodríguez , Lisbel Garzón Cutiño (Author)

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