Work-based learning in vocational education over past two decades: A scientometric and future research agenda




work-based learning, vocation, skills, bibliometrics


Introduction: Work-Based Learning (WBL) is recognised as a successful educational strategy that offers practical experience for vocational students. Despite numerous studies focussing on WBL as a tool for skill transfer, research examining its implementation and impact in vocational education remains few. This study aims to do a bibliometric analysis centred on the deployment of WBL and its effects in vocational education. This study specifically intends to assess the current state of work-based learning (WBL) research in vocational education and to establish a framework for WBL in this domain.
Methods: This research employs a bibliometric analysis of 2,570 Scopus publications from 2003 to 2023. VOSviewer is utilised to delineate the research network pertaining to work-based learning.
Results: The results indicate that the highest number of papers on work-based learning was published in 2023, with 229 articles, and the publication trend has consistently risen each year. Moreover, research on work-based learning frequently employs the phrase workplace learning across many nations. The terms work-based learning and workplace learning are synonymous, both denoting the process of acquiring knowledge and skills within a work context. This encompasses diverse learning modalities, such as formal training, informal learning via job performance, and engagement with colleagues in the workplace. The cluster analysis results on work-based learning and workplace learning yielded six clusters.
Conclusions: The six clusters include recognition of prior learning in work-based learning, acquisition of professional competency, problem-based learning in the workplace, work-based learning curriculum, total quality management for work-based learning, and task performance evaluation.


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How to Cite

Mahfud T, Winnarko H, Kusuma BJ. Work-based learning in vocational education over past two decades: A scientometric and future research agenda. SCT Proceedings in Interdisciplinary Insights and Innovations [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3:529. Available from: